Happy Valentines Day friends! We are still in Maui but heading back home tomorrow night. I thought seeing as though today is love day, it would be a great time to blog about my special guy! Alex and I will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary later this year and there are so many things I have learned in our marriage, the most important thing being investing in time together.

We are slowly seeing the stage of babies and toddlers dwindle down which literally guts me and makes me sad that it’s over, but at the same time I am so excited to rekindle the romance! I think it’s super common during the early stages of growing a family to lose connection! One of the biggest pieces of advice someone gave me was to invest in your marriage and continue dating your spouse because it’s the foundation that keeps your family going.
I have thoroughly enjoyed vacationing with Alex! It has been something we have been needing for a long time. I love having conversations with him over drinks and good food, planning for the future and just remembering our love for one another. Don’t get me wrong, I feel this everyday but there is just something about taking a break, and getting out with your significant other.

I feel so blessed to have had this time with Alex! I also do not take it for granted and am hoping the rejuvenation we feel from spending this time together will transfer back to our everyday life. It’s always important to recognize when you need the break. Realizing it’s time to take a step back and do something 100% focused on your marriage not only improves communication, but feels really good to be on the same page. It’s not selfish to take time just the two of you, schedule the date night or trip, and just reconnect! Whether it be a vacation away, a staycation close to home, or a date night every so often, dating your spouse only makes your relationship stronger.
Although our Maui trip is ending, I have so many memories that I get to keep for years to come! I look forward to another vacation in the future but until then, easy date nights at home are something I look forward to as well!
xo, kayla