Today I hit a huge milestone in the Instagram community. 50,000 followers. It’s kind of weird to type that and say it out loud. Honestly, I never thought 100 people would give a darn what I had to say, let alone 50,000. But here we are, 2 years after I began this journey and I couldn’t be happier to be part of this community.
The backstory of creating this blog was not for home décor, though this is how it has evolved. I started this blog for a personal outlet. A space to share my thoughts and my experiences. Like all of us, I have a story to tell and I wanted a creative space to do that. Now that I technically can be called an “influencer” I feel it’s even more present in my heart to share what is important to me. Some of these post may not be for my home décor loving audience, but they are real life and they are so important to me, and who I am that I am deciding to share them with you.
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Over the next few weeks I really want to be able to share some things that are dear to my heart. Tomorrow I hope to publish my Post Partum Journey with you (which I have yet to share in writing).

But today, the election is what is on my heart. Having a platform is a blessing in which I have a space to share my thoughts and encouragement with those who choose to be here. Because of this platform, and everything else that has been going on in our world lately, I feel it’s important for me to encourage everyone to vote.
Now this post may not be for those of you that are planning or have already voted. But it is for those of you on the fence about voting. Maybe you aren’t sure who to vote for or feel that your voice or decision doesn’t matter. Well, if I can get you to read this far, and you’re still here it means you care what I have to say. And what I have t say is I want you to vote. I want you to get out and vote. Vote for your future, for your kids future. I want you to vote for what is right. This country is a beautiful place because of our opportunity to vote for change.
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If you aren’t sure who you should vote for or what you believe in, spend the time, and educate yourself. Research, tune into debates and the news. I heard something the other day that stuck with me. If you aren’t interested in either party, pick a topic you are passionate about and vote for that. Inform yourself. You may say “I don’t talk about politics” or “I don’t get into them” honestly I was the exact same. Until I got to be in my 30s and realized it matters. It matters more than we actually comprehend. It doesn’t just matter about the presidential vote, but every vote on the ballet. You have a voice and it’s yours and yours alone. I would not be using my platform if I didn’t use it encourage voting. This is the current situation we are in and we need to address politics so we can address our future.
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You can find out how to register to vote or clarify details here at You can vote absentee due to the pandemic. Here is where you can request you absentee ballet. If you are concerned about the safety of mail in voting, I encourage you to do your research about the safety. We voted by mail. I would have preferred to go to the polls. but this was what was safest for my family at this time. I am proud to have my vote in. My husband and I spent the time researching our options and for that I am also proud. Thank you for allowing me a space to talk about things other than home decor. I know we are all living in a very uncertain time and just like all of you, I have fears and anxieties about the future. I am hopeful that we can come together for a better future and a better tomorrow.
xo, kayla
Thanks for speaKing up and Encourging others to vote.