With the start of the New Year, one of my goals was to overhaul and refresh spaces in our home that needed more purpose. We have a loft upstairs in our home and I wanted it to serve as a more functional, and organized, place for our kids to play. Thank you to Walmart for sponsoring our room refresh today, focusing on our playroom organization!
I’ll be completely honest, this room was quite challenging to design. This space is awkward due to the skinny shape and off-centered window. When we were originally building, the space was intended to have a built in reading nook but due to budget, we had to refrain from putting it in. Until now, the space was just a collection of piled toys. I have tried to organize it basically every weekend, and by Wednesday it becomes a fail. Before the holidays each year, I try to purge and donate any older toys and make room for new ones. With less toys to sort through, it helps not only with organization but also relieving your children of that overwhelming feeling that comes with a ton of choices. Once Christmas arrives, there are more toys than we know what to do with, and storage is a must!

I think the fact that this space is small, is my favorite thing. Focusing on details and functionality, shows you don’t need a huge space to work with. Walmart Home has so many great storage options for kids toys and play areas. I think the entire design inspiration came from this wood storage cube! Additionally, once I found these patterned storage ottomans, I had direction of color pallet! In a regular living area, I tend to prefer standard ottomans/poufs. I talked about how poufs are a great way to add extra seating in a blog post yesterday. However, in a playroom- storage ottomans are a perfect way to add seating and storage at the same time!
Shop My Walmart Playroom Organization Must Haves

I have been super drawn to pattern and texture lately, so I got super excited when I saw these subtle stripe curtains at Walmart. I love how they pair with the gold rod and add the perfect amount of detail. Now the question is: how long until this room is destroyed by my children? In all reality, this playroom is a space for them to play and learn and make believe. Although it looks clean and curated right now, soon it will be accessorized with all of their things, and that makes me super happy! It is unlikely to ever look this clean again, but I am so glad we added in these storage options from Walmart to help when Mom says to put things away!
I hope you found this small playroom organization refresh helpful and inspiring! Make sure you spend some time looking through Walmart Home for storage options and decor. If you are still looking for inspiration you can shop some of my favorites and things that inspired me below!